Saturday 31 March 2018

Photogrammetry Surveying, its Benefits & Drawbacks

Introduction to Photogrammetry Surveying

The Photogrammetry is a surveying and mapping technique which has several applications in the Transportation Department. The practice of Photogrammetry Applications in surveying includes siteplanning, topographic mapping, earthwork volume estimation for proposed roads, a collection of digital elevation models (DEM), and image-based mapping (orthophotography).
The term “photogrammetry” is the combination of the words “photo” and “meter” it means measurements from photographs. The classical definition of photogrammetry is:
“It is the art, science, and technology of gathering reliable information regarding any physical object and the complete environment.  This technique involves a process of record-keeping, measuring, and evaluating terrestrial and aerial photographs.
Photogrammetry refers to art because to obtain reliable measurements it requires specific skills, techniques, and decisions taken by an individual. Photogrammetry is a science and a technology because it uses images and modifies it, through technology, into significant results. The Modern photogrammetry involves image references and image forms different than photographs, like Radar images.
The photogrammetric process consists of proper project planning, image retrieval, image processing, control data for image adjustment, data accumulation and presentation of an end product results. The result of the photogrammetric method coordinates values of specific points, a realistic representation of the earth surface (topographic map), or a reformed image of the earth surface including map-like characteristics (orthophoto.)
Photographs used for photogrammetry are capture from a special (metric) camera, a typical camera or from digital sensors. The images are captured and recorded from a tool fixed on a satellite, on an aircraft as well as helicopters, or on a tripod (terrestrial photogrammetry) which is set up and mounted on the ground.

Benefits & Drawbacks of Photogrammetry

Here are few Benefits of photogrammetry over standard surveying and mapping methods are as follows:
  1. While capturing the Aerial photographs, photogrammetry produces an actual & permanent photographic record of a particular condition that exists while capturing images. Since the record has metric properties, it’s not only a pictorial record, but also it is an accurate, measured record.
  2. For information that has to be re-surveyed or re-evaluated, there is no need to perform any expensive fieldwork. The same images we can measure again and can get new information in a very convenient manner. We can quickly remedy the missing information, such as inadequate offsets for cross-sections.
  3. It provides a wide mapped area so other line studies can perform with the corresponding data source more efficiently than other traditional methods. Photogrammetry presents a broad view of the project field, by classifying both topographic and cultural features.
  4. It is useful in any locations that are difficult, unsafe, or impossible to access. Photogrammetry is an ideal surveying method for toxic areas where fieldwork may negotiate the safety of the surveying crew.
  5. A remarkable benefit of photogrammetry is that the road surveys can work without disturbing the traffic by closing lanes, or endanger the field team. Once it captures the roads the analysis of road features, including elevation data, we can do it in the office, not in the actual field.
  6. The coordinates of each point in the mapping field can determine with no additional efforts or cost.
The aerial images are useful for conveying or describing information to the public, State, including Federal agencies, as well as to other divisions of Transportation.

Here are some drawbacks:

Climate statuses (winds, clouds, haze, etc.) affect the aerial photogrammetry process and the image quality.
  1. Seasonal states affect the aerial images, i.e., snow cover will defeat the targets and defines a false ground impression. Hence, there is only a short-term period typically November through March that is perfect for common purpose aerial photogrammetry.
  2. A cleared construction section or a highway that is not blocked by trees is limited to this restriction. These kinds of projects can fly and photograph.
  3. Hidden areas caused by human-made objects, such as a roof of a house, cannot map with photogrammetry. Unknown area problems can cause by tree canopy, thick vegetation, or by rugged terrain with sharp inclines. The information hidden from the camera must map with other surveying methods.
The accuracy of the mapping contours and cross regions depends on flight height and the efficiency of the field survey.

The Top Components of Photogrammetry-

In simple words, photogrammetry has three essential components. They are image control, image acquisition, and product compilation.
  1. Image acquisition covers planning the overflight, selecting a relevant camera system, photo capturing film processing, film review and annotation, printing of paper copies, and image scanning (if needed.)
  2. The Image control component involves the process of selecting areas for ground control and targeting, area surveying control details, and aerial triangulation. This component can get eliminate if advanced GPS methodology can solve the photo orientation difficulty without requiring ground control.
  3. The product compilation component varies and depends on the quality of the product. Topographic maps, orthophotos, or monoscopic updates are all photogrammetric products which are organized in many ways as explained later. Each one of these components needs the utilization of various equipment, different measurement techniques, and different data processing.


A successful photogrammetric survey project depends on a precise understanding of these components, Benefits and careful planning and execution of the project specifications.
You can share your views below.

Friday 30 March 2018

The UAV technology and Photogrammetry Are a Perfect Fit

UAV Technology and photogrammetry

The key strengths that UAVs build on Photogrammetry are:
  • Availability,
  • Affordability, and
  • Versatility.
They enable surveyors to capture and obtain extremely more accurate and detailed high survey data while considering its reducing expenses and operational problems.

Let’s check the Uses of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)

The UAVs are also known as the drone, the unmanned aircraft system (UAS). It is the aircraft that do not need a pilot. And can operate without the human pilot aboard. The flight of UAVs can work either on the remote control by the human operator or entirely or else intermittently autonomously by onboard workstations.
For the missions which are too dangerous, risky or dull for the humans, the unmanned aerial vehicles are preferable. They provide the attack ability for high-risk missions, and they mostly use in the military applications.
The UAVs can also use in many other applications like the Aerial photography, the data collection, policing and the surveillance, and even the drone racing.
UAVs can also be useful in the commercial, the scientific and the recreational purpose.
The drones have multiple different names. They are also the killer drones and the attack drones. They also called the spy drones or the surveillance drones. Thus, these drones can be both remotes controlled by the pilot or controlled by the computer, and such drones use to transfer specific actions without direct human piloting.

The Advantages of UAV in Photogrammetry

  • The UAV- Unmanned Aerial Vehicles have modified the approach of the air power in the modern war times.
    UAVs are smaller as compare to jet aircraft as well as they are inexpensive. They don’t put the pilot’s life at risk if they crash.
  • UAV Photogrammetry offers unstressful environment. It helps in a better decision-making process. It impersonates the safer atmosphere, as it can fly for more extended hours as long as the vehicle allows it.
  • The Unmanned Aerial Vehicles can fly faster, and the life of the pilot is safe even if the plane gets crashed. Primarily UAVs are useful at the border patrol security. UAVs do not need the qualified pilot to fly it. Thus they are very cheaper.
  • These UAVs are capable of flying for a longer period into the zone where it’s dangerous for the pilot. These UAVs can linger in the air almost up to 30 hours, performing the monotonous tasks, collecting the precise data, scanning the regions day-after-day and night-after-night in the darkness or foggy areas under computer control.
  • The Unmanned Air Vehicle does the geological survey, and it conducts the visual or thermal imaging of the particular region. Over any terrain, it can measure the TV, Radio or cell phones coverage. The operators can merely hand off controls without any operational downtime.
  • Unmanned Air Vehicles can save lives. They significantly diminish putting the military personnel in harm’s way or battle. They are inexpensive and are cheaper to purchase, and maintain than the normal aircraft.

The Disadvantages of UAV in photogrammetry

  • The UAVs includes full resources problems. They are expensive as well to produce and keep up- the cost can go down over time though. The human can make a mistake in the remote controls and can cause the aircraft to crash, and they also have limited capabilities.
  • Some software or the computer systems could break down resulting in failure of the aircraft and casualties on the ground. Losing the plane costs millions, but the drones cause civilian losses. Drone war causes the collateral damages in the private lives and property, as well as the traditional wars too.
  • The computer failures can take place resulting in the loss of control of the aircraft. There is the moral problem on the application of the autonomous system conflict situations as the computer cannot take any initiative that results in the civilian deaths.
  • The psychological problem has become self-evident in the military uses of Unmanned Air Vehicles. The person can click the button and kill numerous people without being in the entire war situation. The enemy can take and control the drones or the fleet of drones.
  • The drones cause the security damage such as killing the civilians and destroying the civilian property. Some societies consider that the usage of drones is not brave and cold-hearted, They are too simple, By making the drone warfare very similar to video games, the drone warfare makes the battle too easy by diminishing ethical decisions.
The above were the uses, Advantages, and Disadvantages of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). Therefore, the Photogrammetry has a wide range of opportunities in the current as well as in the future.

Thursday 29 March 2018

Photogrammetry vs. LiDAR

Photogrammetry is specifically a method to carry out surveys and prepare maps using photographs. It is an art, science, and technology of gathering reliable data concerning any entity. This method involves a method of record-keeping, measuring, and evaluating terrestrial and aerial images. Photogrammetry, in other words, is the methodology to make measurements with the help of photographs.
Photogrammetry is a combination of three different words; Photo – light, Gram – drawing, and Metry – measurement. So, photogrammetry means merely light, pictures and measurements. The technology proves to be useful in creating maps.  The user designs maps with the help of photographs clicked with the use of drone cameras.
Types of Photogrammetry
  • Terrestrial Photogrammetry
  • Aerial Photogrammetry
1. Terrestrial Photogrammetry
Terrestrial photogrammetry is the one that consists of performing measurements by taking photographs from some specified positions on the earth’s surface. This category of photogrammetry uses photos taken with regular camera and theodolite.
2. Aerial Photogrammetry
Photogrammetry uses drone cameras or cameras mounted on aircraft. Aerial photogrammetry not only has higher precision but also has higher accuracy than the terrestrial photogrammetry.
Lidar (Light Detection and Ranging) is the method of remote sensing which uses light pulses in the form of a laser, and the receiver senses the reflected pulses. To take the measurement of the time required by the pulse to return to the receiver, the distance calculation takes place. Once the light pulses are merged with other essential data gathered with the use of aircraft, the user correspondingly gets the properties regarding its surface, together with some three-dimensional data regarding the earth’s shape.
A LiDAR mod mounted on the planes comprise mainly of a laser emitting device, a scanner, and one GPS receiver. The aircraft (airplane or helicopter) installed with the mod transmits the pulses to the ground.
LiDAR is of two types, viz. Topographic LiDAR and Bathymetric LiDAR.
1. Topographic LiDAR
This type of LiDAR implements aircraft with a device that continuously transmits infrared signals for mapping the land. In this, an airplane or a helicopter floats in the air over the ground to be mapped, and furthermore, it continuously emits the infrared pulses to the field.
2. Bathymetric LiDAR
Bathymetric LiDAR is the one which uses green light that penetrates into the water bodies and determines the elevations of seabed and riverbeds. This LiDAR system is suitable for creating shoreline maps and prepare the elevation models in digital forms.
LiDAR has rather proven to be delivering useful grades of accurate data. On the other hand, the technology is quite flexible for the scientists.
When it comes to comparison between two different techniques for the same thing, in particular, accuracy is the primary thing that a user might consider before using any one of them. LiDAR, of course, gives you the best accuracy than photogrammetry. However, both the technologies are widely used as per the users’ feasibility. Specifically, they are ideal for carrying out different tasks.
To sum up, photogrammetry is easier than LiDAR, but LiDAR is ultimately the best one out of the two.
Do share your views in the comment box.

A Brief Tutorial on Solid-State LiDAR

Solid -State LiDAR: The beginning of new era of 3D Scanning

Over the past few years, LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) has become more popular as well as affordable than it was once. In a simple language, LiDAR calculates the distance of things from you. LiDAR is a surveying method that measures the distance to a target by highlighting the target with laser lights and measures the laser reflections with a sensor to get an accurate distance. With the evolution of modern technologies, LiDAR also has seen advancements. Solid-State LiDAR has come up with a small and cheap tool enough for everyone to use. A new era of LiDAR is approaching very soon. Here is everything you need to know about Solid-state LiDAR.

Solid-State LiDAR

Solid-State LiDAR: Check the real heck here

Solid-state LiDAR is nothing but a LiDAR on a microchip. You all are aware of computer microchips. Right? A microchip is an integration of working with the separate transistors and capacitors. Solid-State LiDAR does the same thing. It integrates the different mechanical parts into a single microchip.
By eliminating the mechanical parts, Solid-State LiDAR gains a lot of benefits. Firstly, it is amazingly small in size. The researchers have managed to develop Solid-state LiDAR chips that are only of hundred microns in size, pretty much smaller than the diameter of a human hair.
The DARPA Program Manager explains “We’ve been able to transform what currently is the largest and most expensive part of laser-scanning systems into something that could be inexpensive, robust and fabricated using the same manufacturing technology as silicon microchips.”

Uses and Benefits of using Solid-State LiDAR

The solid-State LiDAR is a big deal for the customers as it likely makes the technology omnipresent. The technology can be easily implemented in cell phones, self-driving vehicles, and many more places that are far from its reach. However, it will also be a big deal for the commercial users regarding following points:


Besides of cost and compact size, the solid-state LiDAR has the significant advantage of speed which allows fast building plans, security scans, drone mapping and so on.

Better SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping)

The solid-state LiDAR will be able to make use of SLAM efficiently than the terrestrial scanner. The device will be excellent at creating a map of space and can simultaneously use that map to figure out its location within that space.


The Live Mapping will also be possible by using Solid-state LiDAR. It will undoubtedly allow project teams to stream data back to the office in real time. Thus, the data process will be rapid as well as viewed right to perform the mapping.

Breaking the Point Boundary

Up till now, it was difficult for scanners to cross “1 Million Point boundary” with one laser and one sensor. Thus, with the introduction of Solid-state LiDAR, the next logical step would seem to be of multiple sensors, laser scanners, etc. would be a considerable leap indeed!
To conclude, the solid-state LiDAR scanners will certainly lead to a whole new era of 3D Imaging for customers and commercial users.

Wednesday 28 March 2018

Easy to follow Tips & Tricks for better Photogrammetry

Perfection is the most significant thing when carrying out any task. Any work doesn’t have a meaning if it has not been up to the mark. However, for achieving perfection, some standard steps should be followed.
This blog talks about the tips and tricks to be followed for carrying out a photogrammetric survey in a better way. Photogrammetry scanning will appear overwhelming initially – with such a large number of variables to manage. On the other hand, it takes a lot of trial and error to work out best practices. Photogrammetry has endless potential. But, it needs keen observations and some recommendations to urge prime quality models. Here are some basic tips to follow the right direction.
Steps to follow for a better Photogrammetry
  1. Avoid reflective footages: Simply avoid taking footages of reflective objects. If not taken care of, the software photogrammetry software might identify the reflections, and the results would not meet up the requirements.
  2. Make use of sufficient ambiance: Capture photographs of objects placed in an adequate lighting condition.
  3. Avoid large areas with solid colors: Try not to capture more prominent regions having solid colors. If this isn’t followed, the software might not recognize the unique areas of the object. This will further result in a 3D mesh containing large holes.
  4. Turntables are the best: For taking perfect snapshots of small articles, it is always better to use a turntable and adjust your camera in one place. It undoubtedly reduces your efforts in making adjustments in camera positions which is a pretty tedious job.
  5. Use manual camera settings: When taking snapshots of the object, prefer opting for manual camera settings. This results in the consistent quality of photographs which gives better results.
  6. Capture more angles: While taking snapshots, try to acquire every single corner of the object. This will help the photogrammetry software to deliver you better results.
  7. The perfect beginner software: Software does not matter much in photogrammetry. What matters is the quality of images one captures. Almost every software produces the same variety of photogrammetry 3D models, but for a beginner, 123D Catch is the best one to start with photogrammetry.
  8. Patience and practice: It takes a lot of time to attain perfection in photogrammetry. Have patience until you achieve the perfect level and it is only possible if you practice it regularly.
And that’s all!
Photogrammetry is nothing to do with high-quality skills. It’s just that one needs to carry out simple steps that too with perfection as discussed above. The above guidelines would undoubtedly prove to be helpful in creating exceptional quality 3D models.
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Things to know about Geospatial Technology

Geospatial technology is a system that comprises of subsystems like GIS, photogrammetry, and remote sensing. These subsystems help in the gathering of geographic information and representing it on a map.
The geospatial technology scheme could be a different entity with multiple interactive parts. Over the years, the technology scheme has evolved to capture the interaction between geospatial technologies, new facultative technologies and business processes to bring with it multitude of opportunities. As geospatial technologies get infused with the new age technologies and acquire embedded into the business processes, they become Associate in Nursing enabler for socio-economic development.

But what exactly is geospatial technology?

The geospatial technology can be segmented into four different categories, viz. GNSS, Remote Sensing, GIS/Spatial Analytics.
Geospatial technology
Geospatial technology


Also known as GPS (Global Positioning System), it is the system owned by the US Government. It is a radio navigation system which is a space-oriented one. As the ‘location’ part becomes pervasive in our lives, GNSS and Positioning technology phase matures and becomes very relevant rising productivity and reliability. Associate in Nursing integrated a part of the management method, GNSS permits high accuracy positioning with the assistance of satellite signals. GNSS and Positioning phase could be a composite of GNSS upstream and downstream markets, the measurement market, and therefore the quickest growing, the indoor positioning market.
According to the GeoBuiz-18 report, the GNSS and Positioning industry is the largest in the geospatial universe. Its market size is observed to be growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.5% to reach $260 billion in the years 2018 to 2020.

Remote Sensing:

Remote sensing includes the use of sensors mounted on airplanes and satellites. These sensors are functioned to measure the electromagnetic reflections on, above and below the earth using mostly infra-red signals. Remote sensing is used primarily for observation of weather, mineral exploration, yield forecast, and mapping purposes.

GIS (Geographical Information Systems):

GIS (Geographic Information Systems) is one of the most critical systems of the geospatial technologies. It is majorly a computer-based tool that helps in analyzing, storing, manipulating and visualizing the geographic data in a map. It all includes gathering the required geographic data, managing it, analyzing it, and representing it on a map.

Other Emerging Technologies:

These include
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Mixed Reality (MR)
  • Small and Nano-Satellites


To summarize, the ecosystem of Geospatial Technologies is very vast, and every single segment of the system plays a vital role delivering solutions for the citizens, the government and businesses as well. The applications of these types of mapping tools are endless, and they make our lives very much easier which help in essential tasks such as resource planning and traffic management.
We would like to have your valuable views.

Tuesday 27 March 2018

Top 5 Benefits of Drones in The Domain Of Urban Planning


The Indian construction sector is a fastest growing industry in the present scenario. The industry is making extensive use of modern technologies like Drones, 3D printing, 3D Laser Scanning, etc. to achieve a comfortable as well as sustainable housing for everyone.
With the initiative of “Smart City Mission” by our honorable PM. Narendra Modi, the widespread use of latest construction technology is gaining advancements.
Photogrammetry is the buzzing word nowadays and is becoming a popular career option for the graduates as well as engineers from any stream. Photogrammetry means merely the combination of Photography and Geometry. It is used to get the accurate data of an object with the help of photographs and is helpful in mapping, surveying, urban town planning as well as development.
 The photogrammetry technology uses drones to click the pictures. Civilian drones are in booming phase and are proving beneficial in almost every sector. Let’s see its benefits in the realm of urban planning and development. Also, we will look into the reasons behind choosing drones for mapping and surveying.

The traditional method of data collection

Conventionally, data is collected by ground-based survey tools. But there were lots of disadvantages like expenses, inaccuracy in data, increased workforce, etc. With the introduction of drones, the jobs are getting done in a very faster way with low maintenance expenses, quick deployment times and different types of installable cameras. The data collection process was faster, cheaper as well as safer as compared with data collection of satellites, manned aircraft, or the road crews.  The drones are useful for mapping road, highway and the railway infrastructures.

Top five benefits of drones in Urban Planning

1. Machine-driven Mapping

With the support of multiple control points, the drone can fly a calculated fly path autonomously at a given altitude. Depending on the facilities, the drone can take common high-resolution color pictures. Each captured image overlaps the previous image 80% to the front and 60% to the side.

2. Spatial Surveying

The land surveyors can make use of drones to define property boundaries for various purposes like selling, buying, renting a building or land. Thus, the identification of boundaries and land features with drone generated image is an added benefit. The way of mapping and surveying boundaries with drones have an essential impact on real estate and appraisal industry owing to the low costs of data collection.

3. Corridor Surveying

The main benefit of the drone is they are ideal for capturing infrastructure facilities. The drones can map and capture all kinds of infrastructure for the Government, urban planners, etc. The images click using drones are geometrically corrected afterward because they often contain inaccuracies as a result of topographic reliefs, lens distortion, and camera tilts.

4. Easy Volumetric Calculations

With the help of drones, it is now readily possible by measuring voluminous materials like spoil heaps, stockpiles, and also material waste pits. After mapping the site using a drone, it is possible to generate a digital surface. Ground-Based surveying as compare to drone surveying is more dangerous as well as time-consuming. It seems quite outdated if a ground-based employee measures the stockpile elevation every 5 to 10 feet. According to a survey, a drone measures a 30-acre site in around 30 minutes while a ground-based surveyor takes a whole day for the same work.

5. LiDAR Mapping

With the help of drones, it is now possible to generate a virtual-high resolution map of the surrounding area with LiDAR. In this process, it creates a brief digital representation of objects, buildings as well as of the ground. The images are more detailed than simple pictures.
 LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) is a surveying technology that measures distances by transmitting beams of light in all directions via a laser source. The technology is useful in collecting the light reflection with the help of a sensor. By measuring the required time for a round trip of the laser light, distances can be easily calculated. A powerful computer generated a three-dimensional map in real time. The large drones are in need for aerial photographs in LiDAR technology.


Drones are placing a powerful impact on mapping and surveying. Well, it would not surprise if GIS experts, as well as scientists and land surveyors, take advantages of drones shortly.


Diverse Uses of Drones: This is How UAVs Are Revolutionizing Our Lives


Somewhere in 2016 when Amazon first make use of a drone to deliver its product no one could imagine that it would be a revolutionary step for the drone industry. Drone industry has grown numerous folds since then. Reports say, there are more than 1 million drone users in the US alone. In this article let’s try to understand how the drone could revolutionize the way we live our lives eventually.
The United Nations is experiencing the real impact of Unmanned Aircraft Systems. The reports say that in the first three years of drone implementation more than 70,000 jobs get created in the United States with an economic impact of more than $13.6 billion. With the extensive use of drone technology, this benefit will generate 100,000 jobs shortly with an economic impact of $82 billion.
Well, those who wish to get food, medicines, or even groceries to their doorsteps via drone might have their wishes fulfilled very sooner.
Now, let’s understand the various industries that are benefitting from this new, life-saving technology that is indeed changing the world.

Precision Farming

The most-influenced area with the drone technology is Farming. In Precision agriculture method, the farmers optimize inputs such as water and fertilizer to enhance productivity, quality, and yield of their crops. Precision Farming also includes controlling pests and diseases through the extensive use of UAVs.
Precision farming is a farming planning concept based on observing the field variations. It depends on new technologies like GPS, information technology, and other geospatial tools.
UAVs allow farmers to monitor crop by air to search problems that would not be visible in ground-level checks. Many companies are funding in precision farming technologies nowadays like software, sensors, and aerial-based data. With the enhancements in precision and GPS technology, drones sooner will be able to operate accurately and safely within centimeters.

Construction Industry

Drones when combined with machine learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing the way real estate sector function. Now, with incredibly high-resolution imagery the accurate and exact inspection of property data can easily access.
Drones are being used to monitor the construction site which is not only keeping the developers well updated and informed about the project progress, but it is also helping them save money as well as the workforce. Physical monitoring a vast construction site can be risky. Thus drones cover this risk factor too.

Disaster relief

Drones have become significant for disaster management. Very often we lose connectivity during a disaster. The images captured by drones of a disaster-affected area are used to navigate first responders and gives a defining edge to the emergency services in cases where every minute counts.
Drones can quickly reach to the problematic landforms to provide first aid, medicines, and food after a disaster.

Ocean Mapping

The oceans are vital to human existence. They are the source of 97 percent of the planet’s water and the producer of more than half of oxygen in the atmosphere. It may come as a surprise that nearly 85 percent of the ocean’s surface remains unmapped and unsurveyed up till now.
The UAVs plays a crucial part in bridging that gap. High-resolution photos from aircraft camera systems can capture and recollect surface current data and also can measure Doppler shift waves. The method is cost-effective as well as time-consuming as it covers large areas in short time.
 The Oil and Gas industries are mainly beneficially using the drone technology. These companies can use the captured data to plan and execute offshore discovery. Also can perform deep-water drilling operations as well as help in search and rescue missions.


The Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAVs) are genuinely beneficial in many sectors with their ability to provide accurate data. Sooner the world will envision a brand new way of data exchange as well as data accuracy. Drone delivery is very soon going to be the destiny and yes if it also protects our surrounding than that would be an additional benefit.


Monday 26 March 2018

Aerial Photogrammetry vs. Terrestrial Photogrammetry – Understand the Contrast

Photogrammetry is the science and technique that blends photography and geometry. The principle is straightforward, yet it has a significant impact on contemporary architectural establishments.

What is the procedure of photogrammetry, you can check here

We all know that photography generates 2D illustrations. The photogrammetry system produces 3D estimations of the object and surface from the 2D image/photograph.
If you read our previous blogs on photogrammetry, then you will know that Aerial and Terrestrial are two major varieties of photogrammetry.
Let’s understand each one by one-
Aerial photogrammetry
A machine, especially an aircraft (purposefully designed plane) or a drone, i.e. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) has the cameras attached. Therefore, it can capture photos from the higher surface. The larger the number of images, the higher is the accuracy of the statistics. It further helps in comparison of the quality.
The planes fly over the planned area with particular landmarks which they have to capture. The speed of the aircraft regulates the camera’s catching speed. Also, they know the height of the plane from the land surface. The photographed surface area’s base contour/boundary is drawn using Stereo Plotters.
Terrestrial photogrammetry
The word Terrestrial means relating to Earth. Therefore it explains that why the camera is in the stationary position in this kind of photogrammetry. The camera’s position is elevated, and the tilt angle, the focal length of the lens is adjusted.
Read More on Why Aerial Photogrammetry Differs from the Terrestrial One.
The main difference is between the working and methodologies, even though both are the branches of the photogrammetry.

Therefore, the outputs generated are very varied from each other.
Apprehend the following points to notice the distinction-
  • The technical requirements of the Aerial photogrammetry are very high-end; the specially designed planes or drones are just the initials.
  • Although there is a much lesser investment in Terrestrial photogrammetry, there is the requirement of high technical skills for operating the tools.
  • To map a large surface area of the land, we can use Aerial photogrammetry. But the knowledge of longitudes and latitudes with their calculations are essential in photogrammetry operation.
  • When there is a need for designers and planners to manage and plan bridges, transportation network, pipeline networks, etc. then Terrestrial photogrammetry is preferred. The adjustments of the camera’s axis as per the surface area matter a lot.
  • The environmental projects which trace the changes of glaciers, volcanoes, earthquakes, etc., use terrestrial photogrammetry methods.
  • The fixed location of the camera creates such kind of data sets to work upon further.
  • There are various benefits of aerial photogrammetry in the security field as well. Archaeology also gets numerous advantages through aerial photogrammetry as you can see a big chunk of the area at once.
  • Terrestrial photogrammetry is preferable for movement-related and comparatively smaller land masses, unlike the aerial one.
  • The arena where both the fields play an active role is Urban Planning! That’s obvious as with the help of aerial photogrammetry, designers and planners generate an accurate perspective plan of the site or location. An aerial view gives a bright idea of all around the neighborhood, and so it helps in further assessment.
  • Terrestrial photogrammetry, unlike aerial, creates visuals showing interrelation between civil constructions, safety issues, disaster management and various other problems. Thus, it helps in knowing the creation, prevention, and demolition of any civilization.

Final Derivation

Thus, it’s evident that by using both sorts of photogrammetry, we can generate most efficient and disaster-prone constructions/infrastructures.
So these were the fundamental differences between aerial and terrestrial photogrammetry. Have you had a clear insight?
Do write your views in the comments.

Why Choose Photogrammetry: A Summary for Everyone

Basic Definition of Photogrammetry

The basic definition of photogrammetry is the art, science, and technology of gathering reliable information regarding any physical object and the complete environment.  This technique involves a process of record-keeping, measuring, and evaluating terrestrial and aerial photographs.

Break-down of the term

In a sense, the breakdown of the term photogrammetry is in three parts: ‘photo’ – meaning ‘picture,’ ‘gram’ – meaning ‘drawing’ and ‘metry’ – meaning ‘measurement.’
This explanation makes your understanding clear.
Early advancements in the system and science of photogrammetry happened many years before the actual invention of appropriate things to apply the application.  As time rolled on, the theories became a certainty, and the essential technologies came into existence.  The timing when all these things evolved was a crucial time.

The scope of photogrammetry

Photogrammetry is one of the most extensively and technically preferred means for producing maps. Significant development originated in European nations and later spread over into Canada and the U.S. In the early 1900’s, an International Society came into the formation for serving as a collaborative and collective house for the progress of this science. The fields of Remote sensing and Photogrammetry widened their horizons in recent years. As per consideration, to include the investigation of diversified media, the images are still the primary root of information.


There are two distinct branches when it comes to the application of photogrammetry.
The primary department requires precise estimations and calculations regarding the shape, size, and position of graphics features.
The second branch deals just with identification and description of the detailed features.
In both the cases, a specially designed accurate camera system takes the pictures.  The camera, therefore, is the source of all capturing of data and plays a vital role in any relevance.  The photo calculating devices, as well as the final system of output and interpretation, also are the significant areas of concern.  These three tools; camera, a mapping device, and production medium, will eventually define the status and application of photogrammetric measurements.

Why is photogrammetry so useful?

Notably, there are several reasons.  Since photography is primarily of the ‘non-contact’ category, it presents a different way of perceiving and documenting information, without the necessity of a physical appearance.  This statement holds true in the state of aerial photogrammetry.  Aerial cameras provide the facility to photograph difficult, hostile or dangerous matter, with scarce or no risk to material and group.  You can consider military functions as an example of this situation out of many others like it.
Additionally, there are numerous advantages of aerial photogrammetry applied widely in the nonmilitary application as well.  Like, Engineers, Designers, and Planners also use mapping and pictures.  Therefore, the resulting list represents these applications:
  • Natural disaster
  • Environmental studies
  • Land use and planning
  • Construction
  • Site development
  • Insurance studies
  • Real estate
  • Surveying
  • Mineral and Geotechnical research
  • Agricultural forecasting
  • Civil engineering
Within the streams of nearly all services, there is a demand for specific mapping remarkably.  With the opening of technology, the usefulness of photogrammetry in above-mentioned and other areas is almost limitless.  Also, mappings, as well as other techniques, play an advanced role in satisfying the public desires for comfort, transportation, and ease.


You need to know the importance of such fields which are not into the limelight but give tremendous opportunities to work. Think out of the box for your career.