Thursday 7 June 2018

Explore the top 5 tips for Construction Managers!

Managing and overseeing day-to-day construction management of a project(s) can be a tedious task for onsite construction managers and a skilled workforce. Construction managers need to stay perceptive, manage and handle people around them. Everyone’s responsible, but a bit of advice never hurts!
So, whether you are a pro or a newbie at work, you can always use some help.
We’ve jotted down a few tips that can actually help construction managers sail through.
5 tips for construction manager
construction manager

1. Plan Ahead, it really works!

Construction managers need to think way before anyone. They need to connect and collaborate with all on the playfield, and lead from the front. Construction managers need to live for tomorrow and decide various impact points , and make sure that project planning is robust and includes all the facets viz. expertise, inventory, and the necessary tools to accomplish the project on time. Conceiving is project schedule is a good practice, but when it comes to economies of scale, people look at results. That is what construction managers need to deliver endlessly.

2. Create Contingencies for Consequences

Forecasting natural phenomenon is near to impossible. Natural disasters can be extremely cataclysmic for new and existing infrastructure.  Construction managers and everyone on the team need to plan out robust contingency plans if and when disasters strike. That’s where data analysis plays a vital role for construction managers to map out various natural and geographical phenomenon for construction sites. Bearing clarity on these factors makes it all the more safe and efficient for quick project turnaround times.

3. Transparency is Key

If you’re a construction manager then “Cooperation” should be your middle name. Communication and collaboration in any form is decisive for a skilled Construction Manager. Expats working on a construction site require all the help they need from a Construction Manager to make their job easier, making them very accessible and professional as well. Professional criticism is a part of work and should be taken likewise, clashing egos, poor leadership, incomplete communication can absolutely lead to a negative persona.
construction site
construction site

4. Represent your people wisely

It is absolutely impossible for a Construction Manager to build infrastructure on a single shoulder. No way! This requires excellent team work and commissioning. Knowing who can do what, and in what way is the key to successful project completion. Construction managers need responsible individuals who can actually accomplish tasks being delegated to them in limited time-frames.
lead and take
lead and take

5. Not knowing your contract and costs can lead to failures, know them well!

Construction managers need to be extremely astute when it comes to understanding their contract documents and calculating project costs. This would also require the client to be on the same page with contractors. Conformity of project scope and specifications can lead to smoother sailing for General Contractors to achieve their target and purge conflicts. Greater emphasis need to be given on costing by General Contractors to understand the needs of the project before it actually begins. Cost estimations need to be discussed on the table for greater project productivity and faster project turnaround times. Whether you are an owner or a contractor, you need to have clear and accurate forecasts on how much an infrastructure would cost, and for how long.  This prevents people losing money and customers overpaying.

1 comment:

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