Tuesday 31 July 2018

Discover Smart Cities & Smart Transportation Services with GIS!

Across the globe, cities and transportation administrators are witnessing a destructive transformation—as they are becoming “smart.” The AEG industry is ready to earn a good market share of the duties required to support on the smart road and infrastructure mapping and also inventory.

Demystifying Smart Cities: Check How GIS Base Mapping Will Improve Navigate Your Future-

Technological advancements appear to take place in leaps and bounds, as the news gets out on innovations like the introduction of autonomous vehicles or the accessibility of statewide base mapping or the idea or application of a smart city. Those innovative explications mostly depended on the merging of incremental advancements. Many of these occur over the years and for a variety of technological restraints.
The idea and application of a smart city is an excellent case of how many advancements are coming collectively to produce a unified, constructive leap ahead in technology. Also in both in generation and application.
GIS Base mapping is necessary for the approachability and the proper organization of these components, and the linkage it provides forms the template required for the smart city.

Let’s Check How Connectivity Provides Baseline-

The Smart Cities Council recognizes that there isn’t a stringent description of what constitutes a smart city, but data on its website that one consistently accepted upon feature is that it has “digital technology installed across all city functions.” Thus this linked technology is what creates the demand for base mapping and following work of a smart city. It can be like planting a garden.
Furthermore, for a smart city to work, you have to systematize the technology utilized across all the town departments and correctly analyze each data field. The connectivity theory required for smart cities has been verified by various geospatial companies that optimize location-based assistance to produce geographic insights. These companies work with associated workplaces to automate, monitor and command products and help while engaging and connecting customers and also the marketplace.
In other words, they interpret managed data to form citywide GIS base mapping.


Geography / Geology has grown the new alphabet for the organization of data; it provides people an authentic place to begin and significance for investment in that information.
Cities have to interpret what level of efficiency is adequate to satisfy these connectivity requirements. They must address the varying data information demands across a municipality while maintaining the strength to standardize the data across the municipality’s departments. Hence, it needs the variety of accuracy produced by 3D technology.
Produced from underground, indoor, road level, aerial / airborne and satellite metaphors, 3D data builds a basis for an asset registry. Through this registry, assets can transpire maintained as a component of a combined GIS data frame within whatever scope is essential. From a national prospect down to a particular property.
Asset management traditionally managed in a document or A CAD-based process is advancing toward the use of high-accuracy base mapping in a GIS environment. Thus, it is a modern way of thinking that implements to every municipality. By recognizing and precisely locating the assets (light poles, roadway paint, signage, etc.) over the districts, cities can entirely handle.
Hence, At the core of this framework is GIS base mapping and topology, which is an outcome of infrastructure inventory from planning to design, and also from inventory to estimation, and from implementation to managing. Also read Build up smart cities through positive urbanization & Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Source: https://blog.nibt.education/2018/07/smart-cities-smart-transportation-services-with-gis/

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