Thursday 29 June 2017

Increased demand for Single family residential building in construction

Single family house the new look out of residential builders.

The residential building industry has had massive growth in the last five years, and that the trend is likely to pick up. The multifamily sector has also had a good growth streak, but analysts state that the streak is likely to decrease as most individuals begin to prefer living independently and have their homes instead of sharing. Eventually, this will, in turn, enable the single family residential building to build up in numbers. Although still, both sectors will have some growth, the single-family sector will have a greater increase compared to the multi-family residential building industry, in other terms the multi-family upward slope is slightly lower than that for the single-family sector.

Single-family house still has some bridges to cross before hitting the expected growth rate. Construction companies tend to have the perception that this area is more expensive compared to multi-family house.  It is more efficient to concentrate on multi-family housing than single family housing, but this is not always the case. Hence, this has led the sector’s growth percentage to spiral above the average level, but clients have begun to see the benefits of single housing hence their concentration on the industry.

The booming single family sector of residential building picks up steam.


The change in progress percentage in the two areas is a result of the growing number of consumers who are considering their privacy and that of their families. Also, the comfort that comes with single family house has played a defining role in the difference in growth. With all the positive statistics, the single-family sector still have some miles to cover before catching up to the growth levels of the multi–family building industry. Whether the progress in both areas is macro or micro, it is still advancement with a positive impact on the construction sector in general. Need privacy and extra space go for single family residential building.

Wednesday 28 June 2017

Laser Scanning

Laser Scanning Technology and Its Advantages in Construction Industry
What do you think Laser scanning means, any idea? Well, Laser Scanning is a method of collecting external data using a laser scanner which captures the actual distance of densely scanned points over a given object at breakneck speed. The process is usually known as a point cloud survey or as light detection and ranging (LIDAR, a combo of the words 'light' and 'radar').
Laser scanning is currently acquiring the impetus in the construction industry for its competency in helping Building Teams to collect tons of remarkably authentic information in a very short span of time. When done in a perfect way, Laser scanning can prove to be beneficial to all the involved parties in the life cycle of the project.
The laser scanning method can be used to create 3D representations that can be converted for use in 3D CAD modeling or BIM (Building Information Modeling).
While the construction industry is relatively gradual in adopting the newer technology, the designers and the construction professionals are challenging themselves to complete the project in rapid pace with the use technologies like BIM and custom-designed apps. The 3D laser scanning is less promoted technology in the adoption phase, though the AEC industry is now noticing the benefits of laser scanning can bring the boost in their projects.
The laser scanning technology determines to be much quicker, more exact and inexpensive than the traditional survey measurement. The exactness of the process depends on the stability of the instrument base and the distance from the object.
Benefits of using the Laser Scanning Technology in Construction Industry
Laser Scanning has been a boon to the construction industry that allows obtaining a level of detail, accuracy which was not feasible with the other traditional methods. Let's have a brief look at the benefits of implementing the Laser Scanning technology to build in a smarter way.
1. Enhanced Planning and Designing
Using the laser scanning method, a tremendous boost in planning and designing is seen. The clashes between newly designed elements and existing conditions have been analyzed before the construction. The exactness of dimensions obtained from laser scans can also help improve planning by providing exact measurements for destruction and removal of components as well as assist in minimizing the waste materials.
2. Reduction in cost and Schedule
It has been seen that the 3D scanning can curtail the total project cost by 5% to 7%. The scanning can be performed in minimal hours to a few days, depending on the site as compared to several weeks in the traditional data collection methods.
3. Safety and Regulatory Agreement
The Laser scanning methods are often safer that the manual data collection method and are increasingly used to help satisfy with health, safety, and environmental responsibilities. The features such as remote sensing ability and quick data capture of the laser scanner trim the teams' exposure to harmful environments. For example, when used in nuclear power plants, the laser scanner helps in reducing the size and the time of group's exposure to the high radiation areas.
The laser scanning provides booming methods for surveying remote surfaces as well as complex geometrical surfaces are also surveyed with absolute ease. All the major providers of CAD 3D modeling and BIM have built compatibility that acknowledges their system to import the point cloud data into the 3D visual graphic material.
The use of drones with laser scanning has indeed become a recognized method of getting the exact detail of topography. LIDAR has been widely used for surveys from rail to the road vehicles. The instrument can easily operate at night when the targeted surfaces are less interfere with people and can produce outstanding accuracy.
The Future Scope of Laser Scanning

LIDAR (light detection and ranging) may become the most efficient and most factual way to give instant and accurate 3D visual comparisons between the anticipated, planned progress and the actual working. Are you ready to use the laser scanning technology in your project? Get willing to transform in the new, precise and accurate world of data collection by using the laser scanners.

Ways To Get A Boastful Career

Mostly Students are in a state of ambiguity during the initial phase of their careers.

Free Online Webinar can be worthy to learn ways to analyze CareerChoices. 

Nowadays, the advent of modern technology has instigated new avenues, and a variety of Career Choices emerge on a daily basis. Candidates aspiring for a Boastful & Bright Career usually face a situation of a dilemma when it comes to career planning.Online Webinar on Career guidance can help individuals prioritize their respective Career Choices by passions &personal interests. It's better to formulate a strategy for career building, and Online Webinars can be quite useful. 

Some of the major points that one should consider before making a decision regarding Career Choices are as follows:

  • Introspection: Carefully understand your interest levels on any particular subject or study and accordingly make your move. Attain specialized qualification in the respective area to maximize chances of getting good placement.

  • Implementation: Always try to be as much proactive as possible, a foresight about developments in the preferred industry provides an edge when it comes to the implementation of career strategy.

  • Use the Means: Modern Technology provides adequacy of information that flows through various channels and attending Online Webinars and visiting informative websites can be helpful in many ways.

  • Utilize Resources: Ample of study & reference material is available online and one may enhance his/her preparation level by making use of the Online Resources through the guidance provided in Online Webinars on Career Choices.

  • Strive for Excellence: An average performer can't expect a steep rise in his/her career, and it is highly imperative that an individual must have exceptional talent and skills to deliver the best possible results regarding performance.

  • Ask for help: An ambitious and career oriented individual will never hesitate to seek help for his/her future endeavors. Attending Online Webinars to narrow down the search criterion for a preferred opportunity out of many Career Choices is always the right move.

  • Get Going: Implement & execute your Career Strategy without delay to avoid panicky situation during the ultimate stage of decision making. Always have a positive attitude towards life and always be ready to accept whatever that comes in the way.

  • Never Give Up!: Genius is more about hard work and trials to embrace success,  those who are in a denial mode never make it to the pinnacle of success. Failure may provide thrust for future endeavors, hence keep trying till you succeed.

  • Easy Does It!: Usually candidates aspiring for a boastful career undergo strenuous situations because of pressure sustained due to numerous Career Choices that exists. Don't panic and face a critical situation with the calm and composed approach. After all, every task appears to be easy on its accomplishment.

An effective way to get a boastful career out of many Career Choices include participation in Informative Online Webinars to stay well informed. Well executed career plan ensures consistent growth and a broader scope for future development. Make the most out of available resources and seek the guidance of experts at each stage of Career Building to be assured of success.

Tuesday 27 June 2017

3D Concrete Printing

How Could 3D Printing Revolutionize and Loom The Construction Technology and Management Industry?

Imagine a 3D print you get, of your dream home before the actual construction starts, wow that's amazing! You can then even make the changes if you wish to or can even design the better ideas. Yes, 3D printing proving to be a revolutionary tool in this behemoth world of construction technology and management. The construction industry in today's scenario is known for its ability to adapt quickly or frequently the new innovative ideas that can raise the building sector. One the most innovations in this area are 3D printing. Let's have a close look at what 3D printing is and how can it be beneficial in transforming into a lean, responsive sector.
3D printing these days is gaining more and more traction and has potential to ease some of the aches of the construction technology and management industry. 3D printing, which is the domain of engineering possibly, could make an extreme change in the ways that our building structures are built. Yes, the 3D printing technique is being looked like a must-have technology in the construction industry.
First a quick look on...
What 3D Printing Means?
3D printing is a production method of creating solid objects from a digital source uploaded to a 3D printer. The printer intelligently reads the files and lays down consecutive layers of materials such as plastic, resins, concrete, sand, metals until the entire object is created.
Unlike inkjet printers, a 3D printer has containers of raw material, like plastic which forces out the exact patterns to lay down layers.
Currently, 3D printers are only used to create 3D models of structural designs, various prototypes, landscaping bricks or decorative components. Uses of 3D Printers in Construction Technology and Management
3D printers are already in use in the construction industry. Gigantic 3D printers have already been built that can use solid materials to manufacture a variety of the major structural components, even the whole buildings.
Initially, printers can only extrude one type of equipment at a time, but now with the advent in the technology world, more advanced printers have been built that can extrude multiple materials providing a significant level of speed and resilience that was not before.
The printers may manufacture wall sections that can snap together like Lego's, or they may print formative stage that can be latterly filled to create a full-size wall. The printer can be shifted to a construction site to manufacture on demand.
Benefits of 3D Printing inConstruction
The 3D printing benefits include:
  • Consumption of material is optimized.
  • Increases the ability to design a larger variety of customized homes and buildings.
  • The construction waste is saved.
  • Huge save in labour cost
  • Growth in productivity.
  • Faster construction.
  • Quality can be maintained.
Some disadvantages of 3D printing include:
  • Reduced employee number in theconstruction industryas the machine does most of the work.
  • A finite number of materials can be used since the printer cannot be able to print the required design in various materials.
  • Transportation of printers on job site becomes risky.
  • Any errors occur in a digital model can result in an uncertain situation on site during the printing or construction phase.
Future scope of 3D Printing
As the 3D printing use in the construction technology and management industry is in its initial stages, it is still early to disclose the future situation. But, it certainly is exciting to watch the change and imagine the future possibilities.

What are your thoughts on the 3D printing process and its implementation in the construction industry? How do you look the future of 3D printing in this arena? Is it a technology that you are considering in future for your business? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Monday 26 June 2017

Smart Highway

How Smart Highways are Beneficial for the Next Generation Communications Networks?

Despite the profuse technological enhancement made to the vehicles, mobiles, and cars, we see meager developments to the bitumen roads. There are myriad things that can be carried out on the smart roads which help in innovating and reconstructing the driving experience when it comes to road safety. The masterminds in this sector are trying hard to improve driving experience by innovating various ideas like to use roads to store solar energy from the sun directly and transfer that energy into electricity for homes.
In this write-up, we are going to see how the smart highways are beneficial for the future generation communication networks giving the user-friendly-Salient
Experience while driving
Silent features of the smart highways:
1. Glow in the Dark
In the recent scenario, we see a large budget spend on the road lighting system across thousands of miles, instead an innovative idea to use glow in the dark road markings is an excellent as well as more resilient alternative. Such markings are already in use on the smart roads in an N329 highway, Netherland. The indications on the road are made using the paint that consists of photo-illuminizing powder that "charges up" during the day. There are green glow markings stretched for 500 m long and will shine for up to 8 hours every night giving you the most excellent driving experience.
2. Interactive Lighting system
Besides from the glow in the dark paint, there is also an inventive idea to make use of the motion sensors lights. The interactive lights work in this manner: when any vehicle advances to a particular stretch of a road, the motion sensors will brighten only that part of the road. The light will glow shining as the car comes closer and will slowly dim away as it moves away.
The interactive lighting system is a splendid idea for the highways that are less traveled or not always traffic jammed. It helps in providing the night visibility as and when needed, thus proving the best for road safety.
3. The Wind-Powered Light System
This is an innovative idea that in which the wind-powered lights will power up itself using the pinwheels to create the electricity. The produced electricity will use to light up the lights on the pinwheels, ultimately lighting up the smart roads path.
As the name suggests, the wind is used to power up the lights; these wind-powered lights will only illuminate as cars pass by the area. The pinwheel generators are set along the car's path at the roadside so that it continuously light up the paths as the cars pass by.
4. The Electric Priority Lane
Another fascinating idea to build the smart highway is the electric priority lane where electric vehicles (EV) the user can charge up their wagon on the go by just driving in the right lane.
The roads will have entrenched magnetic fields that can charge the vehicle on the go. This concept is very useful in the countries where there are many EVs on the road ensuring that the electric cars do not require looking at charging stations and can even keep their vehicle charged for the long journeys too.
5. The Solar Roadways
I mentioned in the intro about the roads that can store solar energy. Well, it was not just a theory but, it is indiegogo projects that want to install the solar panels on the glass roads integrated with LEDs and the microprocessors. Why glass roads? As glass can replenished, its environmentally friendly and its strength can be improved to even stronger than steel.
During the winters, the solar panels are also useful in melting the snow and the sun energy utilized can be used to power electrical requirements.

The road is now no longer remaining as a midway just locomote from one place to another. Smart Highways allows us to charge electric cars and utilize the solar energy in an efficient way. With the technological advancements in every field, roads are not left behind. Favourably there will be more future technology that adds user-friendly experience while on the go and makes our roads smarter and secure to travel.

Sunday 25 June 2017

The new achievements of the Modern Construction Industry

Advances in Modern Construction in India

In recent years we are observing flamboyant changes in the field of modern construction. Right from the soaring sky-scrappers to the magnificent underground constructions, the construction sector is growing up in a very fast pace. There is 3D, 4D, 5D technology and the green construction techniques to save energy and environment, which are giving good pace to the modern construction sector.  
With the rise in technology and its implementation in every field, the construction sector is also acquiring high rise using the modern methods. Indian construction sector is discovering new trends and rise in residential as well as commercial modern constructions.

Underground construction reduces traffic load.


There are many benefits of underground construction over conventional housing techniques. They require less surface area, so they need less construction material. And you can reuse the excavated material for construction. They are less prone to earthquake, wind, fire, etc. Underground construction have minimal impact on the surrounding.

Over a decade, the impact of technology on the modern construction area has changed by the type of construction being carried out and the building materials that are used, the changes are evolutionary though. In future, there is a high possibility for the significant developments that will change the basic concept of construction. In the recent scenario, technology is varying the nature and the shape of the markets served by the construction sectors. One of the most extravagant changes is the addition of new markets because of technological progress in general. Also the ongoing challenge is of the design and construction of facilities for innovative sources of energy.
Technology is also shifting its path from the way we create and modify building code. With the rise in Robot system and Automation industry, the traditional way of code-setting seems to be retarding. It is very likely that various automated construction technologies will gradually cut down the physical quantity requirements.
Well, in the near future the construction sector will have the greatest technical impact expected to come from more desirable management methods and automation. The progressions in management methods to ameliorate productivity and schedule performances will utilize automation and expert systems to a large degree. In the coming years, the construction design will also see an increased mundaneness in the abstract phase and real-time data base communications network to support figuring, scheduling and project management.
The new advancements in technology will vastly improve the methods and practices of the modern constructions industry. It will gradually be efficient in management system that determines the success in the long run. With the vision of what the next step will be and the commitment to make complete use of obtainable technology, the future of construction sector holds an over-the-top development in the coming future.