Monday 31 July 2017


Software Interoperability Enables Good Coordination

Construction software interoperability refers to the ability of different construction programs to exchange data by the use of a common set of exchange protocols and be able to read and write based on the same formats.
The end goal in the construction software sector regarding interoperability for various stakeholders is to be able to agree on an open standard for the various construction software. Recently, the calls for interoperability of building software have gained significant traction with the primary backers being COSA(Construction Open Software Alliance) and AgcXML.
In the construction industry, where some organizations cooperate intensively on unique projects in temporary alliances, having attuned tools and assets within projects is imperative. Broadly accepted and established technical platforms, preferably centered on open standards, are the prerequisite to facilitate communication and collaboration amongst project partakers without demanding them to have particular proprietary applications.

 Software Interoperability Addition In Modern Construction

Various software solutions are available to the construction Industry.
Open interoperability for construction software products would enable the seamless flow of design, budget, project, assembly and maintenance information, and decreasing redundancy, eliminating disconnects and promoting efficiency throughout the lifecycle of the building. Estimates by the United States National Institute of Standards (NIST), based on the results of a multi-method study conducted in 2002, determined that insufficient interoperability among information technology tools costs the US capital facilities sector USD 15.8 billion on an annual basis, which is correspondent to 1-2% of the industry’s annual revenue. From these studies, it is clear that construction software can offer significant savings on costs, time and decision making processes.
Despite the fact that interoperability is a viable solution for seamlessly exchanging information, there are some challenges to achieving complete interoperability between the various major construction software products. These include intellectual property protection issues, sheer reluctance to share information with stakeholders, contractual and legal matters. With goodwill from industry players, these challenges can be addressed and common grounds found for the advancement of interoperability of the software solutions.
With the advancement of cloud solutions sharing of information between various software products has become even easier. A good example is SaaS software, which offers a sort of one-stop shop where one can find solutions for all of a building firm’s concerns, from transmittals to accounting, as discrete, but flawlessly joined tools in a cloud-based software package. Additional advantages of cloud-based solutions are the security merits and ease of upgradability of software solutions across multiple devices.
Software Interoperability is the future in the construction sector, and the various software developers should endeavor to make software products that simplify workflow for construction experts.

Wednesday 26 July 2017


Architects are the pillars or the force behind the jaw-dropping structures of any building. The enormous construction projects including the skyline towers wouldn’t have been possible without the architects. The Architecture career is blooming in the current scenario. Many students of creative mind opt for Architecture as a career. While architecture is looked upon as one of the fabulous professions for the talented students, it has changed tremendously with the introduction of BIM in the construction industry. Are you inclined towards architecture career? Well, if yes, NIBT introduced a fantastic Autodesk Certified course “BIM for Architects” wherein the students, as well as professionals, can register for it. Also, the selected candidates will receive assured International Internships too!

Hey, what are you waiting for? Just go for it…
Presently, a career in architecture is promising, rewarding and has a potential gain regarding growth. Besides the necessary parameters, there are some essential skills that are also needed for architecture career.

What NIBT gives in “BIM for Architect”? Check the real heck here

Architecture Career Course Background

NIBT is an Autodesk Partner and an Authorized Training Center (ATC).
Here at NIBT, we are striving to unfold the latest construction technology trends. With the enhanced adoption of construction technology, there seems a significant impact on project management and project delivery by increased productivity, shortening schedules and hype in return on investment.
New design and construction project management processes have integrated with the technologies like IoT(Internet of Things), BIM (Building Information Modeling), 4D scheduling, 5D (Budgeting, cash flow management) and 6D facilities and asset management.
As we all know, planning and designing of building structures are the foundational parts of the architecture. Architects need to have a mental tilt and orientation to move ahead in the architecture career.
In today’s construction arena, where the missions such as Smart Cities are already engaging in modernizing the construction process and technologies but, there seems a lot of competition to get reputed jobs. Architects are not exceptional too!  Thus, we, at NIBT aim in showcasing and hopefully teach the latest construction concepts to the Indian students. Not only NIBT gives them an opportunity in the international market, but also improve their Architecture career prospects in the local market.
For whom BIM course is designed for?
As the course name suggests, BIM for Architects is designed for:
  • The architectural students pursuing better careers
  • Professional Architects
  • Firms wishing to upgrade their skill sets in the field of Architectural Design and Engineering
This outstanding course will improve project coordination, energy analysis and simulation to improve the life cycle of the project.
PS: Applicants are not required to have knowledge of BIM as a pre-requisite to this course.
BIM is used by the architects to furnish following benefits to the clients:
  • Reduced Time & Rework
  • Accurate Estimates
  • Virtual Mockups/Visualization
  • Appropriate collaboration
  • Quantity Takeoff
  • Specifications
  • Consistency and predictable
  • Better control on project-staff
  • More profitable real-estate owner
Learning Objectives:
  1. Understanding the evolution of Construction and design management process and Technologies. As well as the current and future construction trends.
  2. Understanding key technologies such as BIM?
  3. Basic of technology applications;
  4. 3D – Architectural, Structural, Mechanical, Plumbing, Electrical, FP and other integration
  5. 4D – Integration with a schedule for improved delivery and site planning
  6. 5D – Cost integration and management.
  7. XD – Facility management, Energy Analysis, IoT controls integration.
  8. Understanding how these concepts are applied on construction projects.
  9. Understanding of BIM workflow and BIM Execution plan
  10. How to be an effective collaborator and project coordinator? Cloud based collaboration.
  11. What are different levels and level of developments (LOD) in BIM?
  12. Basic-Medium level Revit modeling skill
  13. Understanding how real project BIM meetings are run.
  14. Get exposed to International construction building terminologies and technologies.
  15. Autodesk Revit Architecture Certification.
  16. Revit MEP (Selected program)
  17. Revit Structure (Selected Programs)
The course is specially designed for enthusiastic architects who wish to excel in their career and for the students who want to fulfill their dreams in Architecture career.
So, the creative minds, what are you waiting for? Register your seat for an Autodesk Certified Course today!
Visit NIBT and explore the world of Architecture!

Tuesday 25 July 2017

How to start a small business? Let’s get some ideas.

Are you thinking of small business? Or say pondering on how to start a small business? Are these the questions in your mind? Starting a business is not that all can dare, even if it is there in mind, turning it into reality requires courage. By saying all this, there is no idea of demotivating you. It is just clearing of the concepts. So that whenever you plan to proceed, you are clear without any doubts. Exploring & researching will turn impossible to possible. Be ready for this, gather the start-up business ideas, learn the fundamentals of business.
How to start a small business is a perfect idea, because you are thinking of small firms and not directly jumping into an extensive plan of activities. Now let’s move on to other requisites that will turn your startup business ideas into reality.
  • You require to know what business you will start, and that has to be based on your expertise. Means particular startup idea for which you have interest as well as your expertise. And, If you lack required skills of your business; then, you are indeed missing the link. You need to develop the skills, explore each avenue to gain skill sets for your planned business. Read, research and reinvent your creativity.
  • Once you have the expertise, you can study your target market. Like who will be your competitors? What are they offering? What your business, should provide that will make it marketable? For all this, you will require doing a deep research on all the know how’s of the market. Research the market, plan your strategy accordingly. In this case, even if it is essential to take help of an expert, don’t hesitate to go for it.
  • Next is workforce; your team that will help you bring your planning to success. Recruiting and selecting them. You need to hire them according to your set criteria’s that you need in your workforce. It’s always better to keep your workforce minimum at the initial phase. That means to keep your support staff that much with whom your business can smoothly progress. With the proper growth of the firm, you have options to hire more employees in future.
  • Plan your Infrastructure, don’t clutter your workplace. Keep things to the required level, so that they can be managed well. Rent or purchase the required set up as per your need.
  • You are done with almost everything, but missing one important area, that is capital. Capital that plays a crucial role everywhere. You require it for just everything that encompasses your business. Make capital ready beforehand; you have a good option to take help of financial institutions for managing your capital needs.
These all requirements if arranged and managed properly and the business plan executed in the best way will give you best results. Go carefully and take calculated risks. Starting your own business after achieving all these will be okay.
Hope, you have gathered good ideas on how to start a small business?


Career counseling program for study abroad students

Well, you are now on the periphery to get your engineering degree, right? What have you planned next after your degree? You might be thinking of studying abroad. Ok! Studying abroad is the best option to choose. But do you think, you are well-prepared and familiar with overseas study approach?  A big question and confusing indeed and this is the right time for you to communicate with a study abroad consultants.
The study abroad consulting is spreading roots in India. The engineering students who wish to go abroad for further studies need a grooming session, and it is advisable though. According to famous proverb “A stitch in time saves Nine,” it is absolutely a need of an hour for the engineering student to learn the fundamental things before pursuing their construction engineering careers abroad.
Studying abroad is pie in the sky for many, but unfortunately, many fail due to lack of advance knowledge & this is where one needs the guidance of overseas education consultants. The Indian engineers who opt to pursue a higher course in abroad and get internships face many difficulties and challenges.
Some of the challenges the students may face while studying abroad:
  • Linguistic problem
  • Lack of advanced knowledge
  • Unfamiliarity with cutting edge construction technology
  • Hurdles in internship opportunities
  • Lack of practical knowledge in construction
Criteria for learning advanced construction technology:
  • The hands-on experience of learning BIM is highly valuable than theoretical
  • The complete understanding of the whole BIM process and not just the tools.
  • The students should be familiar with the effective collaboration for project execution
  • Coordination is essential, it means, leadership matters the most.
Now that you are aware of the challenges to face in abroad, you surely need a consulting session before you go abroad. Because of the vast technical differences between India and International architecture industry, the engineering students encounter many issues.
Well, we have a solution for you!
NIBT (National Institute of Building technology) plays a remarkable role in grooming the students who wish to study abroad.
NIBT is an Autodesk Partner and an Authorized Training Center (ATC).
It has been successfully supporting outsource staffing projects in the USA with 100 percent success. NIBT teaches the various combination of software with exposure on live and real-time projects including drawing study and prepares the students for better jobs and education in the USA and other western countries.
Targeted students for this course are:
The program is designed for the student with Architectural, Civil, Structural, Mechanical, and Electrical engineers. Also, the construction professionals perceiving better career opportunities in the field of construction management, real estate management, facility management, structural engineering, mechanical engineering, architectural engineering, architectural design, and similar AEC industry programs can also register.
Course backgrounds:
Construction Technology and especially BIM is changing the dynamic of the building sector, especially in the developed countries. It is rare to find a construction, engineering or architectural career or job that does not require you to have BIM knowledge. Whereas, the developing countries like India is far-behind in BIM and construction technology.
The AEC industry is one of the earlier adopters of computer aided design, development, and visualization tool. Since past 20 years, the majority of the construction sector has switched to paperless to digital. BIM(Building Information Modeling) is a significant technological development in the building arena.
BIM is a sensible 3D designing that helps architects, engineers, and other construction professionals with the concept and the tools to plan, design, manage and construct projects in a prominent way. Several software applications used with BIM for clash detection, performance monitoring, process simulation, etc. are used on the field for delivering a quality product. It is a theoretical as well as a practical learning process where you learn BIM tools, simulation software, integrated concepts and relevant theories.
Integrated International Internship Opportunities:
If you are opting for study abroad, one of your goals is to have a career abroad. Because of technical differences between India and International building construction or architectural industry, getting jobs just of educational degree is very difficult. Best options are to find internships to get exposed to the industry. We guarantee placement for a select group of students with some of our advisory companies. These seats are limited as we continue to develop our affiliation and partnership in the international community. Our goal is quality and not volume, so please work with us.
Course Learning Objective:
  1. Understanding the evolution of Construction and design management process and Technologies. Current and Future trends.
  2. Understanding key technologies such as BIM?
  3. Learn Basics of technological applications:
  4. 3D – Architectural, Structural, Mechanical, Plumbing, Electrical, FP and other integration.
  5. 4D – Integration with a schedule for improved delivery and site planning
  6. 5D – Cost integration and management.
  7. XD – Facility management, Energy Analysis, IoT controls integration.
  8. Understanding implementation in the construction project
  9. Understanding of how our real project BIM meetings are run.
  10. Get exposed to International construction building terminologies and technologies.
Join the Foundation course program in NIBT today to get your career boosted and bring-forth a charismatic career while studying abroad.
Below is an outstanding example of an Indian Student, who have faced the similar issues and challenges while studying abroad. But with proper guidance and grooming, Aditya has overcome the issues and incredibly won over it.
In the following webcast, listen to the challenging experiences and how he managed to conquer the difficulties faced in the construction industry overseas.

Sunday 23 July 2017


Effective Use Of  Mobile Technology

One of the factors which determine the possibility of a job to be done well or entirely fail is the communication. Enhanced use of mobile technology would enable the business to do very well. Poor communication would always lead to negative results from the business products. This is the case for construction Industry too. People or employees need to communicate to pass information, which would help in the effective working of the firm. The quality of the productivity can increase, by focusing more towards communication. A committee of communication is selected which regulates all the communication channels in the business. Integrated mobile technology and information on construction sites is giving effective results and helps to get the work completed in time.

An operative person using a phone on construction site
Technology has improved communication in business construction organizationCommunication in business entails passing of information, yes, but it is done through different ways, not only phone calling to give information, but also in controlling the CCTV cameras to have a view of how the employees work, from a certain point. The mobile gadgets used for communication in the construction companies have a positive effect in many departments of the organization. One would find that a good percentage of the companies that operate with mobile gadgets to access information from the office while at field work, do very well and save their time.

Application Of  Mobile Technology In Construction

Those who consider being the devices by themselves take long to establish as a company. The mobile device is multi purpose for those who use it, would take a picture of the construction sites, in the construction company, as well, access documents of their interest to continue with work. All this about positives of mobile integration to the business is true, only that, most construction companies tend to be conservative and maintain to the previous ways of operation without a mobile device.
Integration of mobile device would place the business at a better place than before. Most of the activities would take a short time to be implemented hence, increasing the quality and quantity of the products of the organization. Ways should be formulated by the state
authorities to have the mobile device used in the businesses that do not have, to improve the country’s economic stability. Companies or organizations that do not have the mobile integration should benchmark in firms that have to see the workability and the profitability of operating under such a situation.
Mobile technology techniques that construction businesses have adopted and will be adopting are many mobile applications, GPS tracking, mobile device reporting and digital documentation technique, wearable technology, etc. Since we are working in an industry where workers are ever moving the use of mobile technology will surely benefit in the smooth running of our work. Early detection of clashes and sorting them soon will happen by use of mobile technology.


Planning to go abroad for further studies? This is all you need to get started on your journey…
After the completion of a degree course in Civil, Mechanical or Electrical, most of the students opt to study abroad programs. Studying in abroad is not as easy as you ever imagined. There are lots of issues that might be a hindrance for your dreams.
Hey, don’t think negative, be a positive dude!
In this article, we will try to suffice all your issues, questions everything regarding the study abroad programs.
List preparation
What should one prepare before the actual procedure starts? Ohh, this is a tough task, but it’s mandatory though!
Prepare the list of things you need to search, hunt, apply, and implement before the D-day. Here are some listings which you can try for:
1.Career Counseling Session
Get to know what you are enriched in and what extra knowledge you need to acquaint.
2.Top Universities For Further Studies
List out the top universities from where you want to complete the course. There are many universities, but you want to select the top one. Make the proper list, their eligibility criteria, course duration, fee structure, related entrance exams for the course.
3.Related Exams after Engineering to study abroad
You have decided to study abroad to get a different kind of academic exposure which is not entirely theoretical. For that, the first baby step is to take the important competitive exams. The exams like TOEFL, GRE, and IELTS, etc. are highly recommended.
Start the preparation, many say it’s “EASY,” but GOD knows their definition of easy; however, these exams are not as agonizing as the Board exams!
Take help of Google for the preparation, library books, etc. and schedule a test date. Well, if you are keen on taking these academic tests, make sure you prepare well for the reading session. The vocabulary, the hidden answers and the time limit (the most important part) may add extra pressure, so be prepared!
Best Wishes!
So, once the results are out, hope they are positive your next step is to seek the opinion of a renowned consultant. It will be like a grooming session to get ready for study abroad programs.
For engineers (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical), the advanced knowledge of BIM (Building Information Modeling) in the construction industry is significant in overseas. The education that we get here is pretty much basic. Thus to boost the BIM knowledge, a renowned consultant is a need of time.
From past decade, the construction industry has leaped from paper-based work to digital. BIM proves to be a technological advancement in the development arena helping the architects, engineers and other construction professionals with the concept and tools to plan, design and manage and construct the projects in an outstanding way. With the use of BIM, the clash detection, performance monitoring, process simulations have become simple than ever before and thus; BIM has gained momentum in the AEC industry worldwide.
Now, it’s a high time to reach to the study abroad consultant.
Study abroad Consultant
NIBT (National Institute of Building Technology) is one of the top consultants in India catering the deep awareness in the field of Building industry.
NIBT is an Autodesk Partner and an Authorized Training Center (ATC).
It has been successfully supporting outsource staffing projects in the USA with 100 percent success. NIBT teaches the various combination of software with exposure on live and real-time projects including drawing study and prepares the students for better jobs in the USA.
Integrated International Internship Opportunities
Well, if you are deciding to study abroad, later on, you will aim to have a career abroad as well. But because of technical differences between India and International building construction or architecture industry, getting jobs for a degree holder ‘s hard. Thus, the best option is to find internships to get exposed to the industry.  NIBT also offers assured placements for a selected group of students with some consulting companies in the USA. Let’s get started then…
 Course objective
The enhanced adoption of BIM in construction technology has impacted project management and project delivery by increasing productivity, shortening schedules, increasing ROI’s and providing higher quality. The integration of new technologies like IoT, BIM, 4D Scheduling, 5D (Budgeting, Cash Flow Management) and 6D facilities management has made the construction facile.
In the current scenario, any construction professional might find it tedious to get jobs without having the knowledge of the new trends. NIBT aims in showcasing and hopefully teaching these concepts to Indian students and blending them according to the international market.
Learning Objective
1. Understanding of the evolution of Construction and design management process and Technologies, Current and Future Trends.
2. Understanding key technologies such as BIM?
3. Learning the Basics of technological applications like;
a. 3D – Architectural, Structural, Mechanical, Plumbing, Electrical, FP and other integration
b. 4D – Integration with a schedule for improved delivery and site planning
c. 5D – Cost integration and management.
d. XD – Facility Management, Energy Analysis, IoT controls integration.
4. Understanding how these concepts are applied to construction projects.
5. Understanding how our real project BIM meetings are run.
6. Get exposed to international construction building terminologies and technologies.
Required Software’s (Provided by NIBT);
It is impossible to learn a software in the one-week program. This program is designed for overview of following software (we will provide student copy of software during class teaching only);
  1. Autodesk Revit and Navisworks
  2. Bluebeam
  3. Sketchup
  4. Virtual and Augmented Reality Mockups
So, now that you have found a top Consultant in India to groom you according to the international construction market, join the course and get ready for the best future ahead with the help of study abroad programs!

Friday 21 July 2017


“We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us,” a thought famously quoted by Sir Winston Churchill applies correctly to the professional Architects.
How do we identify our metropolises? Usually, we love watching the skylines beautifully outlined by the skyscrapers and towers, which is a signature visualization of our megacities. At first sight of any construction marvel, the first thought that strikes our mindset is ‘Who must have anticipated this feat.’ And, this is where the ability & credibility of an Architect comes into the picture. Architecture career is one of the most sought after a profession that has gained enormous popularity amongst youngsters.
Let’s walk through the secrets behind ‘how to become an architect‘ & some of the major characteristics and personality traits that established Architects must have.
Creativity is Paramount
Ever imagined how the ‘Picassos’ & ‘Michelangelo’s’ exquisitely portrayed their imagination, well these people possessed a unique attribute called ‘creativity.’  Only virtuous inherit this characteristic and master the art of realizing their imaginations. Aspirants wishing to pursue careers in architecture must have a creative bent of mind. Creativity is an important milestone in the architect career path. Integration of creativity with logical reasoning & Cardinals of Architecture eliminates chances of any potential glitches. Architecture is both a Science as well as Art, and professional architects must envisage the outcome of any structural design in a realistic perspective.
Stick to Basics
Conventional methods of sketching simply involve the use of paper & pencil, and it has been the most naturalistic representation of human imagination. Architects who wish to excel in their profession must begin with the Orthodox practices. Modern technology has enabled architects to tap expedient tools for illustrating designs. However, human imagination is supreme and surpasses technical resources for portraying ideas & imagination.  Architects must consider technology as an aiding instrument and not the pivotal source of architectural designs. Nowadays, deployment of technical tools has become inevitable for designers & modelers. However, it is wise to prepare a basic layout for referential purpose before beginning with advanced technology.
Frank Lloyd Wright designed an architectural marvel in 1935 that overshadows computer generated building plans. He simply used normal sketching technique inculcated with inspiration from a natural resource like a waterfall to create the most wonderful dwelling place called Kauffman Residence in SouthWestern Pennsylvania. Architects have to make a remarkable presence in the fraternity to be acknowledged as Industry Leaders, and this feat isn’t possible without learning the basics of designing.
An Impressive Portfolio
An architect can’t stay ahead in his or her professional career without an impressive portfolio that describes qualification, accolades, and accomplishments. Architects shouldn’t only project their professional skills, but they must also highlight their passions regarding other art forms.  Normally creative beings relish beautiful landscapes & picturesque sights to derive inspiration from nature. A portfolio must convey the essence of artistry, and hence it becomes imperative to catalog epitome of self-imagination. The inclusion of best designs in a progressive series attracts the attention of many and projects a positive image of the architect. Portfolios need to have a proper detailing of eminent projects, assigned duties, publications, technical illustrations, theoretical projects along with a befitting CV.
Excellent Communication
The most desirable quality for any professional would be great communication & listening skill because it’s the medium for exchanging thoughts & ideas. Highly skilled architect with stunning creativity may find it difficult to convey his/her ideas to the peers or clients because of average or poor communication skills. Great Architects have demonstrated exceptionally brilliant communication skills to elaborate concepts & provide suggestions. Good communication need not necessarily be vocal, but an architect must be aptly proficient in composing literary work. Famous publications authored by eminent architects have been the source of inspiration as well as information for many youngsters aspiring to become architects.
Problem Solving Attitude
Architect’s job is to visualize imaginations and provide optimum solutions, however, at times the job requires commendable flexibility & adaptability. Proficient architects are open minded and duly acknowledge pertinent suggestions and vital inputs. There may be times when a situation of conflict may arise over a certain issue, but professionals choose a path of resolution rather than revolution. ‘There is always a way out,’ and this has to be the attitude for an architect because designing complex structures is an uphill task and needs sheer patience. Reworks & endless trials pave the way for success, and architects must strive hard to meet expectations as well as deadlines.
It would be sensible to convey that architects who wish to stay ahead in their respective careers must have all the qualities mentioned above along with proactive career planning. Reputed architectural firms employ talented architects awarding lucrative packages with an assurance of consistent career growth. However, few ambitious architects dream differently opting to start a consultancy or designing firm and strive to make an outstanding portfolio to excel in their careers.

Wednesday 19 July 2017


Are you a Civil Engineer? Ok, so you must be searching for the related jobs in this field, right? In the current scenario, there are enormous jobs opportunities for the civil engineers. A civil engineering degree prepares the student for the work in the construction industry. Also, there are ample of jobs in business, management and financial sectors for the civil engineers to look into.
In this article, you will get know various job opportunities for civil engineers, have a stroll!
Job Options

The job options for the civil engineers include:

1. Building Control Surveyor

If you are interested in buildings and construction, Building Control Surveyor would be a right choice for you.
The primary task for a building control surveyor is to check the building regulations and other legislation when the house, office and other buildings are designed and constructed and also during the renovation.
Responsibilities for the Building Control Surveyor
• Analyze the construction plans, drawings, specifications and other documents submitted for approval.
• Inspect buildings against regulations for public health, fire safety, energy conservation, and sustainability.
• Carry out routine building investigations and construction methods while works are being completed or in progress.
• Issues the completion certificate when the work is being completed satisfactorily.
• Keep the proper records of the site visit and write reports.

2. Consulting Civil Engineer

Do you have an interest in design and construction? Great! Well, it is important in the field of civil engineering.
The civil engineers are highly involved with the design, development, and construction of high-range projects. The engineer plays a core role in this scenario to ensure the safe, timely and well-resourced completion of projects.
Responsibilities to handle as a consulting civil engineer
• Commence technical and feasibility studies and site investigations.
• Aims in developing detailed designs
• Supervising in tendering procedures and proposals
• Manage budgets and other project resources including the junior staffs
• Review and approve project drawings

3. Design Engineer

Does the designing part lure you? So, Design Engineer would be an absolute option to select as one of the best job opportunities for civil engineers.
Being a design engineer, there is a lot of use of technical knowledge, mathematical and design skills to create ingenious solutions to the problems across the diverse range of industries. In abroad, there is a high demand for the design engineers.
The design engineer will involve in the initial concept, design, development, and management of projects. Also, you will need strong technical knowledge as well as problem-solving skills, communication and leadership management skills for smooth completion of work.
Responsibilities for Design Engineer
• Communicate with the clients to identify their requirements
• Make use of CAD, CAM systems to design and visualize projects
• Undertake complex calculations
• Tackle model making, prototyping, and product testing
• Identify new systems and processes to boost the quality, efficiency and save costs

4. Site Engineer

Does working on actual construction site attract you? So, you can be a site engineer
Site engineers accomplish a technical, organizational and supervisory role on the construction projects as well as help in setting out and determine the location of underground infrastructural installations involved in building operations.
Check the job responsibilities for the site engineers:
• Act as the main technical adviser on a construction site
• Reviewing construction plans and drawings for accuracy of calculations
• Inspecting the selection and requisition of materials and plant
• Managing and monitoring the contract design documents supplied by the client
• Day-to-day management of the job-site, includes supervising and monitoring the site workforce and the work of sub-contractors

5. Contracting Civil Engineers

Contracting civil engineers turn the consulting civil engineer’s plans into reality. They manage the actual construction on the ground and work in combination with the consulting engineers.

Responsibilities for contracting civil engineers include:

• Discuss the modifications with the architects and consulting engineers
• Supervise the construction, schedule work and provide appropriate plans for construction
• Complete monitoring of the provision of materials
• Find the proper solutions to overcome the unexpected construction difficulties
• Schedule and adjust each stage of the project to meet the target and delivery time
So far you are well-versed with the job opportunities for civil engineers in abroad. But do you think, the knowledge of BIM technology provided in India is deep and informative?
Indeed NO! The huge technical difference between India and International architecture industry is a hindrance for getting jobs abroad. Thus, there is a need for a study abroad consultant to educate you according to the international standards.
Well, we have a solution for that too!
Study Abroad Consultant In India
In India, NIBT (National Institute of Building Technology) plays a significant role in providing the counseling sessions for the students who wish to study abroad.
NIBT is an Autodesk Partner and an Authorized Training Center (ATC).
It has been successfully supporting outsource staffing projects in the USA with 100 percent success. NIBT teaches the various combination of software with exposure on live and real-time projects including drawing study and prepares the students for better jobs and education in the USA and other western countries.
Give a chance to boost your career graph, Join NIBT for the best future ahead and get placed in the renowned construction companies in abroad.

Tuesday 18 July 2017

• Use of cad cam software in building construction

Nowadays, it is not an easy job to distinguish between virtual rendering and physical reality, thanks to the contribution of CAD tools in design and construction. With the growing uptake of BuildingInformation Modelling (BIM) by building designers, traditional CAD software is changing to become more aligned with its processes.
One of the big changes is the transformation of programs to incorporate 2D/3D synchronized modeling workflows that also allow data input about a building’s composition, a major change from standardized CAD software which previously worked in the independent plan, section and elevation drafting workflows.
Scott Ball of Atomic3D heads one of the many architectural visualization studios cropping up around Australia and he notes how a more BIM focused Architecture Engineering and Construction (AEC) sector has transformed architects into proficient 3D modelers:
“Architects and contractors now collaborate more easily and plugins such as 3D rendering, lighting and texturing programs are increasingly compatible across platforms and readily available to architects,” he says.
“With designers now becoming involved in the world of BIM, architects have become more proficient at working in 3D models and are therefore becoming more involved in the production of a final render of a building.”
But Ball notes that architectural visualization studios aren’t going out of business just yet because most architects don’t have time to be producing 3D models to the level of quality that he can.
Architectural visualization services typically add textures, lighting, furniture, and landscaping to an architect’s 3D model that were produced in programs such as Revit and AutoCAD. They then add the final touches in Photoshop. Balls said this can take anywhere from half a day to a few weeks, depending on the file format and detail sent to him by the architect.
Below are five examples of the project from rendering professionals that showcase the ability of contemporary 3D rendering software in creating reality-like 3D renders. Some of these were made prior to project completion, while others were made following from a photograph.
Narrabeen House by Chrome renders by Guillaume Favre
  • Revit Modelling from photograph
  • 3D Studio Max
  • V-Ray – Lighting and shading
  • CG-Source—Textures
Trojan House by Jackson Clements Burrows Architects, renders by Christian Behrendt 
  • Photograph from Emma Cross
  • Revit modelling
  • Cinema 4D Prime
  • V-Ray – Lighting and shading
The Pavillion by Rothe Lowman renders by Atomic 3D
  • Revit file (architect)
  • 3D Studio Max – textures
  • V-Ray – Lighting and shading
House 2 For A Photographer by OAB Architects (Spain), renders by Kiernan May

  • Photograph by Alejo Bague
  • Maya 3D—textures
  • V-Ray—Lighting and shading