Monday 23 April 2018

BIM Technology, It’s Benefits and Drawbacks

Building information modeling is an acronym used in the construction industry. The building business nowadays mostly discusses Building information modeling. A correct BIM display comprises of the virtual counterparts of the real building parts and also, on pieces used to construct a building.
BIM-Building information modeling is an efficient system for conceiving, planning, and designing structures of several size and complexity.
One of the most beneficial construction technology tools is BIM Building Information Modeling. BIM software gives essential advantages to approximately everyone in the building process, also, including architects, HVAC engineers and electrical system professionals, energy efficiency masters, and builders.
Below are some of the techniques determine whether a BIM technique is best for you. Also, how BIM and other general construction goes together, keep in mind the following Benefits and Drawbacks of BIM modeling.

Benefits of BIM

  1. Better planning and design: Using BIM, you can visualize a developed building, and also its components and methods before the first shovelful of dirt are moved on the construction site. This information enables better planning and design that takes the best benefit of available space and resources.
  2. Fewer reworks: BIM also enables you to see possible problem areas and fix them before the error occurs in the physical world. Thus, it reduces the demand for costly rework and revision.
  3. Savings on materials: BIM methods track and monitor support and provide accurate information on requirements even before construction begins. You are less liable to order more than required and can replace supplies only when it’s necessary.
  4. Support for prefabrication: BIM also allows you and your associates to more efficiently prefabricate components of the particular project offsite, which saves more time and money.

Drawbacks of BIM

  1. Incompatibility with partners: The usage of BIM is not yet entirely among construction specialists. There is always the chance that any of your associates or subcontractors may not use BIM. There are also chances they may not be able to handle your models.
  2. Any Legal issues: The legal implications of using BIM software have not yet been broadly tested.
  3. Cost of software: BIM software needs substantial financing in new technology. The benefits usually perform the investment worthwhile, but mainly if the software usage is to its full capability.
  4. Lack of expertise: The comparable newness of BIM indicates that there are very fewer numbers of experts working in this field. Your software purchase may need extra investment in training and education.
Construction Counselor encourages companies in the industry stay informed about how new technology will affect all aspects of the construction process.
To Conclude, above were the short descriptions of BIM Technology and its Benefits and Drawbacks.
Furthermore, BIM technology is swiftly developing uptrend in the evolving countries and India isn’t an exception. The adoption of BIM technology had been a regular aspect of India. It has also gained tremendous popularity amongst AEC professionals in the recent past. The future implications are very encouraging, and BIM technology has got a flourishing future also in the Indian Construction Industry.

1 comment:

  1. thank you for your blog its very informative and helpful for any service visit us Point Cloud to BIM conversion in India
