Tuesday 3 April 2018

What is Photogrammetry? Overview & Resources

Introduction To What Is Photogrammetry?

Primarily, Photogrammetry is the technology and art of gathering credible data information about physical objects without being physically present there. It also measures and interprets photographic images and models of recorded radiant electromagnetic and other aspects.
Photogrammetrists can also a process that combines photography and geometry. It has a significant impact on the current architectural works. Photogrammetry is a simple method of deriving metric information about an object through measurements made on the photograph of that object.
Photogrammetry plays a vital role in today’s modern industry. Furthermore, by using multiple photos of the original real-world object Photogrammetry authors’ high-quality, refillable and game ready assets.
Thus, it’s utterly suited to objects that consume much time to design in 3D sculpting software. It also provides enormous quality geometry and textures.

Photogrammetry invention

The concept Photogrammetry was initially in use by the Prussian Architect in 1867 who designed some of the earliest topographic maps and some elevation drawings.
Photogrammetry is approximately as old as photography itself. Since its development nearly 150 years ago, Photogrammetry has changed from purely analog, optical-mechanical technique. Analytical techniques based on the computer-aided of mathematical algorithms.
Finally to softcopy Photogrammetry based on digital representation and computer vision, which is lacking any opt mechanical hardware.
Photogrammetry is mainly concern with creating precise measurements of 3D objects and also terrain features from 2D photographs. The Applications includes the mapping of coordinates; distances, heights, areas, and also volumes. The preparation of topographic maps; and the generation of digital elevation models.

Here are the primary Advantages of Photogrammetry

Photogrammetry has numerous advantages that are beneficial in modern construction as well as various other sectors like:
  • Covers large areas quickly.
  • The Photogrammetry technique is cost-efficient.
  • The method is the easiest way to obtain or access information from the air.
  • The photographic images illustrate great details.
Also, Surveys received by aerial Photogrammetry systems have benefits when it’s compared with ground survey methods.

Let’s check the few more benefits of Photogrammetry

  • When the photos clicked, photos provide a permanent record of the current terrain condition.
  • Photos can use to send information to the general public, state, other federal or to local bureaus.
  • Photogrammetry can also apply to locate locations that are difficult to find or impossible to access from the ground.
  • Topographic mapping and DTMs of large areas can be accomplished relatively quickly and at a cheaper cost when matched to ground survey methods.


Photogrammetry comprises merely all techniques that concerned with obtaining measurements of real-world objects and terrain features from the images. These may include aerial as well as terrestrial images, and they may also click on film cameras, digital cameras or electronic scanners on tripods, airborne or spaceborne platforms. Photogrammetry Applications involve the mapping of coordinates, the distances, the height of the particular object, its areas, and volumes, for the preparation of topographic maps, and also the production of digital elevation models. Learning and Understanding the geometry of a single photograph is the basis for all measurement techniques. Some simple equations may use for deriving measurements from different vertical pictures clicked over flat terrain.

Photogrammetry Resources

Many institutes are providing the training on Photogrammetry and as well as Photogrammetry have vast career opportunities in almost every field. Below are the Top few lists of those institutes-


The fundamental principle behind the concept Photogrammetry measurements is the geometrical–mathematical regeneration of the paths of rays from the object to the sensor at the instant of exposure. The most fundamental element for Photogrammetry, therefore, is the knowledge of the geometric components of a single photograph.
Source: https://blog.nibt.education/2018/03/what-is-photogrammetry-overview/

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