Tuesday 3 April 2018

Significant Role Of NIBT In Smart Cities Mission


Cities facilitate nearly 31% of India’s present population, and according to the current census, it contributes 63% of GDP. With the increasing progress in every sector, it is expected that the Urban areas will home to nearly 40% of India’s population and they will contribute 75% of India’s GDP by the year 2030. To achieve the success to this extent, it will undoubtedly require extensive growth of physical, institutional, social and economic as well as building infrastructure. Above are the essentials in improving the lifestyle and attracting people as well as investments. Also, the cycle of growth and development can be set at a particular frequency to enhance the developments. Implementation of Smart Cities is a necessary step in that direction.
The Smart Cities Mission is a progressive and latest initiative by the Government of India to boost the economic growth and streamline the quality of life of people by enabling local development and utilizing technology as a way to build smart outcomes for the residents.

Let’s see what exactly are Smart Cities

A “Smart City” is a highly advanced city regarding entire infrastructure, sustainable real estate, communications and market effectiveness. A Smart City is where information technology is the key infrastructure and the fundamental for providing essential services to the citizens. Smart Cities focus on the most demanding needs as well as on the most significant opportunities to strengthen lives.
The primary objective of the Smart Cities is to promote cities that provide core infrastructure and give a decent quality lifestyle to its residents. The primary focus is on the sustainable and diverse development, and the idea is to analyze small areas, build an evolutionary model which will act as a lighthouse to other budding cities. The Smart Cities is probably meant to set examples that can be reproducible both within and outside of a Smart City. Thus, catalyzing the building of similar smart cities in different regions as well as parts of the country.

The primary aim of Smart Cities Mission is:

  • Provide sufficient water supply
  • Satisfied Electricity supply
  • Improved hygiene including Solid Waste Management
  • Efficient urban mobility and better public transport
  • Dynamic IT connectivity and digitization
  • Excellent Governance, especially e-Governance and citizen involvement
  • Economical housing for poor
  • Sustainable environment
  • Improvised health and education system
  • Safety and security particularly for women, children as well as adults.
  • Creating livable localities by reducing congestion, air pollution that will boost the economy and promote interactions and ensure strong security.

Role of National Institute of Building Technology in Smart Cities Mission

NIBT’s mission is to Create Smart Professionals Rather Than Smart Workers. NIBT as known as National Institute of Building Technology is India’s leading Construction Management Institute that makes you aware of the latest construction technologies. Our prime aim is to boost and drive the generation next to make technology a mainstream application.
As we see, various challenges are arising in Urban Development and Planning. Thus, the need for smart work using the intelligent technologies is the need of an hour. BIM (Building Information Modeling) is making a rise in the construction industry. Use of BIM is mandatory in the U.S., and now, India is also paving its way towards the smart construction work using BIM technology.
To make city Smart, the new construction technologies like BIM, IoT (Internet of Things), Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning are essential to learn and get the in-depth knowledge to become a skilled professional.

From the mind of NIBT Mentor

NIBT Advisor, Mr. Chetan Mogal is a panel member of Smart Cities India. Speaking at a Smart Cities Conference, Mr. Mogal highlighted few points saying
Technology inherently is very consistent. The problem was human integration and the application of the technologies by the humans. To make cities smart, we first have to learn how to Build Smart and to Build Smart we need to have smart, skilled Professionals.
Thus, NIBT!
While creating the skilled workforce under the Smart Cities Mission, National Institute of Building Technology, i.e., NIBT is striving with a high drive to build the future generation according to current industry standards.
The requirement of smart work with smart technologies also helps to create substantial job opportunities. NIBT trains you for these jobs. BIM technology will be in high demand in coming future, and there will be a colossal need for BIM experts. Thus, NIBT! We train the students as well as make them aware of latest construction trends by providing a skillful knowledge, working on live projects as well as offer abroad internships.

NIBT Highlights

  • Engaging with institutes for better Construction Management
  • Exposure to leadership for adaptive technology
  • Research and Development
  • Innovation Software and Technology
Education, industry, skill, as well as entrepreneurial development, should be integrated to get innovation and employment opportunities  NIBT have detailed strategies that are wide open for all the aspiring students those who want to contribute towards the smarter building of a nation.


National Institute of Building Technology is expanding its wings across India with an aim to provide expert training in the field of construction under the Skill Development Program. Be a part of the biggest revolution, therefore, contribute to building our nation smart with NIBT.

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